
In case you don't find what you are looking for on our site,
here are some alternative references:

General tourist information on Sweden

* Virtual Sweden - The official gateway to Sweden (by The Swedish Institute)
* GoSweden (by Swedish Travel and Tourism Council).
* Global Visitor's Guide to Sweden (also by Swedish Travel and Tourism Council).
The Official Stockholm Tourist Site (by Stockholm Information Service)

The weather now (by Yahoo)

Get a current weather forecast for the city of:

General statistics for Sweden can be found at:

Looking for Swedish Ancestors?
* The Swedish Emigrant Institute (and The House of Emigrants in Växjö).
* Genline - Swedish Parish Registers (Kyrkböcker)
* DIS - Computer Genealogy Society of Sweden

The Swedish Language
* Online Swedish - English dictionary (by Skolverket).
* A set of Swedish Lessons (by Uppsala University)

Please contact SNA for more information on the National Atlas of Sweden.
Created 1999-06-01, updated 2001-08-07.
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